
Novva system Species


Tentacils have been one of the earliest species to have been discoverd by guardians, it is believed that it is thanks tho this fact that tentacils have managed to become such an advanced and sucssesful civilisation. The interspecies bond between Tentacils and guardians are so strong that some might even believe that they come from the same planet! Anywerer were a tentacil goes there will always be guardians around.

Tentacils love collecting items and user these to improve their everyday lives which is why they took off to space to find more recourses and places to be inspired by. This has made dhem become a common species across the universe. Their love for collecting items also made it easy for them to get along nicle amongst the Lublishimo mershants.

Species Basic Info

Name Tentacil
Type Sapient
Average height 150~ cm
Lifespan Unknown
Diet Omnivore
Native planet Unknown
Habitat Anywhere
Subtypes 3
Creation date 2017


Physical Traits

Cymbrose have wing ears that are used to glide across the vast height of their habitat. These wings are too small for flight but there is one subtype that can fly with them.

They have large hands and sometimes large forearms as well which helps with general strength in their limbs. They have three toes and the bottom of their feet is covered by a single large pawpad that helps with sensing the environment.

Internal Biology

The Cymbrose heart is a crystal core that generates ichor blood which flows through their bodies. The ichor is very potent in magic, this allows them to heal almost instantly, but if they get severe injuries too many times in a short period it can cause their heart to get depleted which can cause weakness and other very unpleasant side effects. A cymbrose's emotional state can also have a major impact on their magic.

Hybrids Cymbrose can experince adverse health effects due to the conflicting types of blood created by their mixed cores.

Life cycle

Cymbrose don't really age from time, instead its caused by using magic. Using magic causes their cores to "fade away" so the more magic they use the more tired they will become. This prosses only happens outside of the ambrosian realm because the high concentration of magic in their realm replenishes the magic they consume by using their powers.

When a cymbrose heart ets too smal to sustain their grown up bodies they can go into a hibernation state where they will dssolve their entire body to reform into a state that can sustain their smaller core. this often results into them turning back into a child but also losing some of their memory.

Every Cycle Cymbrose gatter to give part of their magic to replenich the ambrosian core. This consistent ritual causes some kind of ageing prosses in cimbrose. Those that dont partisipate are looked downupon as it is seen as a selfish act. some dcymbrose dont like having hybrids because they think ther mxed blood will "ruin" the ritual.

When a Cymbros is under major psychological strain for too long and they lose mental stability it can cause them to "auto-destruct". This prosses is different depending on the subtype and magic type the Cymbro has.

Diet and nutrition

Cymbrose teeth are straight and they have a surprisingly powerful bite which helps them with their omnivore diet. Cymbrose can eat litteraly anything but they prefer to eat regular organic food as it's easier to digest and it also gives them a higher moral which helps with a better mood.


There are three distinctive race of tentacils, each have a different approach to how they generaly opperate in life and as a scosiety.

Species Name

Cyril has been here.

Cyril loves to explore random places while drowning in his maladaptive daydreams. He often collects random objects he finds interesting and sometimes uses some of these things to decorate his scrapbook which is the main way he expresses himself. He carries his scrapbook wherever he can and absolutely no one can touch it, don't even dare look into it he WON'T like it AT ALL. Of course, only the people he trusts can look inside but only those he genuinely trusts.

Cyril loves to explore random places while drowning in his maladaptive daydreams. He often collects random objects he finds interesting and sometimes uses some of these things to decorate his scrapbook which is the main way he expresses himself. He carries his scrapbook wherever he can and absolutely no one can touch it, don't even dare look into it he WON'T like it AT ALL. Of course, only the people he trusts can look inside but only those he genuinely trusts.

Species Name

Cyril loves to explore random places while drowning in his maladaptive daydreams. He often collects random objects he finds interesting and sometimes uses some of these things to decorate his scrapbook which is the main way he expresses himself. He carries his scrapbook wherever he can and absolutely no one can touch it, don't even dare look into it he WON'T like it AT ALL. Of course, only the people he trusts can look inside but only those he genuinely trusts.


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Enviroment and Habitat


The original planet that the Cymbros inhabited has been completely destroyed, all what remains of it are the chunks of floating island in the Ambrosian pocket dimention. The Ambrosia world consists of many floating islands, Cymbrose use their wings to glide from island to island. Some subtypes are better adapted to gliding than others.

Climate and geography

The ambrosian world doesnt exactly experience seasons, the climate of the locations depends entirely on which island you are located on.

Culture and scociety

Scocial structure

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Language ans communication

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Values and beliefs

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Technology and Artifacts

Tools and Machines

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Art and Architecture

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History and Origins

Creation Myth

The event had greatly weakened the ambrosian core, the cymbrose tried to sacrifice some of their magic to restore the core but they soon discovered that this practice was not going to be sustainable. With nothing left for them in their new unstable home, they started to create a huge network of portals to explore different dimensions in hopes of being able to find magical artifacts that could replenish their cores in hopes of fixing their new homeworld.

Key Events

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Interactions with Other Species

Allies and Enemies

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Trade and Diplomacy

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Technology Level

Primitive or Advanced

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Energy Sources

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Art and Aesthetics

Fashion and Adornments

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Music, Dance, and Rituals

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Conflict and Resolution

Wars and Conflicts

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Conflict Resolution

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Individuals and Personal Stories

Character Profiles

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Heroes and Villains

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Species history
